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School Supplies

For Professionals: 

  • Curve with the Curveball: How to Re-Organize Your Life

  • Rein in the Chaos: Get Organized, Stay Organized. 

  • Differentiation-Without Doubling the Workload

  • Early Educators: Learn From My Mistakes

Curve with the Curve Ball: How to Reorganize Your Life After Change

 Objective: Audience members will be able to learn from Amber's major curveball in her life, reflect on their unique curveballs, and learn steps to take to transition from grief to action when a big change occurs. 


Amber Myren has been thrown a curve ball or two. At 19, her chronic pain began, and at 26, she was diagnosed with an “invisible illness” that changed her life. Bed ridden for 3 months, Amber learned how to reorganize her life and wants to help others in similar circumstances. Who hasn’t been thrown a curve ball in the past few years? Amber thinks the best thing to do is to curve with it: Acceptance will take you further than resistance. With a hands-on plan, Amber presents steps to re-organize your life when unexpected changes occur and how to take care of yourself during the process.


Book a speech! 

Rein in the Chaos: Get Organized, Stay Organized

Objective: Professionals will be able to reflect on their unique organizational challenges, come up with their “why” for staying organized, and practice tips and tricks for breaking down tasks, organizing a calendar, and creating a plan for when they feel overwhelmed. 


Amber knows that staying organized is not easy in today's world. Sometimes we are given so many assignments and responsibilities at one time that we feel we can’t possibly complete them all. So we might think, “maybe I should take a nap instead?” Taking care of yourself is the number one priority but can’t we find a way to take care of ourselves and accomplish all that we dream of? After completing the activities in this workshop, professionals will have the skills to do both. 



Book a workshop or personal coaching!

Differentiation-Without Doubling the Workload


Objective: Teachers will be able to learn the definition of differentiation, the benefits of differentiation, explore resources that make differentiating less time consuming, including tiered writing templates and online resources, as well as create a differentiated lesson plan. 


Everytime I attend a differentiation pd, I hear the same thing from teachers–where will we find the time? Teachers often feel like time is the biggest barrier to creating the lessons they know would best serve their students. It’s no secret that teachers work extremely hard and almost all teachers work outside their duty hours. So why not take a workshop on how to differentiate WITHOUT doubling the workload, without needing to spend more hours after school? This class gets you there.

Early Educators: Learn from my Mistakes


Objective: Teachers will be able to learn 10 lessons from Amber’s 10 mistakes during her first year teaching, 5 years ago. Topics include classroom management, confidence, building professional relationships with colleagues, and finding your why. 


Even though being a teacher is the best thing to ever happen to me, I know teaching has its challenges. The data constantly shows teachers being burnt out. Even worse, that burn out often leads to early educators leaving the field. I want to lessen their stress by teaching them what I learned after working from 7am-7pm everyday as a first year teacher (first lesson: don’t do that). This presentation is to ensure early educators have the information they need to feel confident in a classroom, take care of themselves, and find their “why” for sticking through all the challenges that come with teaching.

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